Jumat, 07 Maret 2014


Ini adalah postingan Ujian Praktik saya yang di berikan Pak Furqan

 1. Microsoft Office Word

 2. Microsoft Office Excel

Rumus-Rumus Pada Microsoft Excel :
1. Tunjangan Kesehatan => Rumus : "=(cell gaji pokok*7%)"
    Contoh : Tunjangan Kesehatan Budi : "=(D12*7%)"

2. Tunjangan Tempat Tinggal => Rumus : "=(cell gaji pokok*20%)"
    Contoh : Tunjangan Tempat Tinggal Budi : "=(D12*20%)"

3. Tunjangan Transportasi => Rumus : "=(cell jumlah hadir*10000)"
    Contoh : Tunjangan Tranportasi Budi : "=(C25*10000)"

4. Total Gaji
    Contoh : Total Gaji Budi : "=SUM(D12:G12)"

5. Gaji Yang Diterima => Rumus : "=(cell total gaji-cell potongan harga)"
    Contoh : Gaji Yang Diterima Budi : "=(I12-H12)"

Sekian Posting Dri sy...

Sabtu, 22 Februari 2014


Contoh karya ilmiyah :

1.) Latar belakang
Sudah kita ketahui, bahwa didunia ini limbahnyasudah melimpah khususnya di Indonesia, sudah berapa limbah yang tercemar, baik itu limbah industri maupun limbah rumah tangga (pemukiman).
Limbah pemukiman dapat terjadi karena adanya pembuanga sisa-sisa dan limbah industri dan dari produksi oleh para pemukiman (penduduk atau rumah tangga).
Limbah pemukiman juga dapat disebabkan oleh tumbuh-tumbuhan dan hewan yang membuang kotorannya disembarangan tempat seperti : di jalan, di kaki lima, dan dimana saja semaunya.
Limbah juga banyak diprediksi oleh para ahli limbah yang banyak membuktikan pencemaran udara ialah limbah pemukiman masayarakat, seperti bungkus-bungkus makanan, bungkus deterjen dan sebagianya.
Limbah pemukiman masayarakat sangat banyak dampaknya bagi pertumbuhan makhluk hidup terutama bagi manusia. Limbah pemukiman masayarakat mempunyai dampak bagi manusia yaitu seperti penyakit diare, tifus bahkan ada juga yang deman, batuk berdarah karena virus yang berasal dari sampah yang tidak diolah dengan baik.
Limbah pemukiman masyarakat sudah merupakan salah satu hal yang harus ditangani dengan baik dan benar. Karena sudah diprediksimenjasi sumber dari segala sumber masalah yang ada di lingkungan masyarakat sekitar. Dengan ini pemerintah sudah menerapkan salah satu hal untuk mencegah hal tesebut yaitu dengan membuat peraturan di sekitar lingkungan masyarakat.

2.)Rumusan Masalah:
Ø  Bagaimanakah dampak limbah pada permukiman masyarakat ?
Ø  Bagaimanakah mencegah limbah tersebut !
Ø  Bagamanakah menanggulangi limbah tersebut pada lingkungan yang hidup ?
3.) Tujuan:
Ø  Untuk memberikan kesadaran kepada kita betapa pentingnya menjaga dan memelihara lingkungan kita agar terlindungi dari pencemaran udara.
Ø  Supaya siswa yang sudah belajar hal yang mengenai limbah dapat memberikan informasi kepada masyarakatagar tidak membuang limbah di sembarangan tempat.
4.) Manfaat:
Ø  pencemaran limbah belum terjadi, maka kita berusaha untuk tidak membuat limbah pemukiman pada masyarakat.
Ø  Jika limbah itu sudah terjadi, maka kita harus bisa menanganinya dengan baik dan benar. 
Ø  Pengertian
Pencemaran air adalah suatu perubahan keadaandisuatu tempat penampungan air seperti danau, sungai,lautan dan air tanah akibat aktifitas manusia atau masuknya zat atau bahan pencemar ke dalam air yang berdampak negatif terhadap manusia, hewan, tumbuhan atau organisme yang tinggal di lingkungan tersebut.
Ø  Polutan dari yang berasal dari limbah pemukiman
Sampah organik seperti air comberan (sewage) menyebabkan peningkatan kebutuhan oksigen pada air yang menerimanya yang mengarah pada berkurangnya oksigen yang berdampak parah terhadap seluruh ekosistem. Industri membuang berbagai macam polutan ke dalam air limbahnya seperti logam berat, tiksin organik, minyak, nutrien dan padatan. Air limbah tersebut memiliki efek thermal, terutama yang dikeluarkan oleh pembangkit listrik, yang dapat juga mengurangi oksigen dalam air. 
Ø  Dampak pencemaran air oleh limbah pemukiman pada masyarakat :
ü  Berkurangnya jumlah oksigen yang digunakan oleh bakteri untuk melakukan proses pembusuk an sampah.
ü  Sampah anorganik ke sungai, dapat berakibat menghalangi cahaya matahari sehingga menghambat proses fotosintesis dari tumbuhan air dan alga, yang mengahasilkan oksigen.
ü  Deterjen sangat sukar diuraikan oleh bakteri sehingga akan tetap aktif untuk jangka waktu yang lama di dalam air, mencemari air dan merasuni berbagai organisme air.
ü  Penggunaan deterjen secara besar-besaran juga meningkatkan senyawa fosfat pada sungai atau danau yang merangsang pertumbuhan ganggang dan enceng gondok (eichornia crassipes).
ü  Tumbuhan air yang mati membawa akibat prose pembusukan tumbuhan ini akan mengendapkan dan menyebabkan pendangkalan.
ü  Material pembusukan tumbuhan air akan mengendapkan dan menyebabkan pendangkalan.
ü  Pertumbuhan ganggang dan enceng gondok yang tidak terkendali emnyebabkan permukaan air danau tertutup sehingga menghalangi masuknya cahaya matahari dan mengakibatkan terhambatnya photo sintesis. 

Untuk mencegah agar supaya limbah pemukiman tidak menyebabkan pencemaran lingkungan, maka dilakukan upaya-upaya pencegahan sebagai berikut :
Ø  Tidak membuang sampah kesungai3.1.2 Tidak memakai deterjen secara berlebihan
Ø  Tidak melakukan pembuangan industri yang mengandung Pb,Hg, Zn karena dapat mencemari lingkungan / peraiaran. 
Limbah dapat menimbulkan kerusakan lingkungan. Apabila hal ini sudah terlanjur ada didalam lingnkungan hidup kita, maka harus ada upaya penanggulangannya limbah pemukiman. Hal-hal yang dapat kita lakukan untuk menanggulangi limbah pemukiman yaitu :
Ø  Mengelolah sampah
Ø  Membuang sampah ditempatnya
Ø  Tidak membuang sampah kesungai 

Dari uraian dan pembahasan sebelumnya maka didapat kesimpulan sebagai berikut.
Dampak dari limbah pemukiman adalah :
Ø  Dapat berdampak begatif bagi manusia
Ø  Rusaknya lingkungan
Ø  Dapat menimbulkan penyakit, banjir, kurangnya air bersih, dan lain-lain.
Untuk mencegah limbah pemukiman dilakukan antara lain :
Ø  Tidak membuang sampah kesungai
Ø  Tidak melakukan pembuangan industri yang mengandung Hg, Zn karena dapat mencemari lingkungan .
Ø  Membuat undang-undang tentang pencemaran air.

Setelah pembaca membaca karya tulis ini, penulis menyarankan beberapa hal :
Ø  Tidak membuang sampah sembarangan
Ø  Mengelolah sampah dengan baik
Ø  Dapat menanggulangi limbah dengan baik

DAFTAR PUSTAKA CANTI, 2010 ilmu pengetahuan alam, Sukabumi CiptaDrs. Sutrisno, penerbit Erlangga


Contoh Narrative Text Singkat :
One night, while they were praying, Buto Ijo a giant with supranatural powers passed their house. He heard they pray. "Don't worry farmers. I can give you a child. But you have to give me that child when she is 17 years old," said Buto Ijo. The farmers were so happy. They did not think about the risk of losing their child letter and agree to take the offer. Later, Buto Ijo gave them a bunch of cucumber seeds. The farmers planted them carefully. 
Then the seeds changed into plants. No longer after that, a big golden cucumber grew from plants. 
After it had ripe, the farmers picked and cut it. They were very surprised to see beautiful girl inside the cucumber. They named her Timun Mas or Golden Cucumber.
Years passed by and Timun Mas has changed into a beautiful girl. On her 17th birthday, Timun Mas was very happy. However, the parents were very sad. They knew they had to keep their promise to Buto Ijo the giant but they also did not want to lose their beloved daughter. "My daughter, take this bag. It can save you from the giant," said father. "What do you mean, Father? I don't understand," said Timun Mas. Right after that, Buto Ijo came into their house. "Run Timun Mas. Save your life!" said the mother. Buto ijo was angry. He knew the farmers wanted to break their promise. He chased Timun Mas away. Buto Ijo was getting closer and closer. Timun Mas then opened the bag and threw a handful of salt. It became sea. Buto Ijo had to swim to cross the sea. Later, Timun Mas threw some chilly. It became a jungle with trees. The trees had sharp thorns so they hurt Buto Ijo. However, he was still able to chase Timun Mas. Timun Mas took her third magic stuff. It was cucumber seeds. She threw them and became cucumber field. But Buto Ijo still could escape from the field. Then it was the last magic stuff she had in the bag. It was a shrimp paste or terasi. She threw it and became a big swamp. Buto Ijo was still trying to swim the swamp but he was very tired. Then he was drowning and died. Timun Mas then immediately went home. The farmers were so happy that they finally together again.

Selasa, 18 Februari 2014


TROPICAL FOREST DAMAGE INDONESIA | Critically Endangered Plants and Animals
Condition of forests in Indonesia is currently in a state of crisis . Many plants and animals that live in them are threatened with extinction . In addition , there are many people and cultures who depend on forests also threatened . But not everything is bad news .

A harsh reality , we can see from the state of our tropical forests : illegal logging and forest fires either intentionally or not . Illegal logging is still happening in the woods around Riau , Sumatra . The question that immediately comes to is , what will happen to the animals endemic Sumatran tiger now increasingly rare ? Is going extinct following the fate of Java and Bali tigers now living the story ? Not only in Java , Sumatra and Kalimantan in Papua rainforest we have started much turned into a stretch of palm oil plantations .

Who knows how long these things are continuing and destructive to the forest ecosystem and threaten the existence of biodiversity within them. Not only the residents in the forest , socio-cultural fabric of indigenous peoples around would be also disrupted . With the loss of forests also means the loss of livelihood for the majority of the Indonesian people , because the forest is a place for food , medicine, and became the foundation of life for most people especially those living near the forest .

Cerita Timun Emas dalam bahasa Inggris

Long time ago in the island of Java, Indonesia, lived a couple of farmer.  They had married for some years but they had no children.  So they prayed to a monster called Buta Ijo to give them children.  Buta Ijo was a ferocious and powerful monster.  He granted their wish on one condition.  When their children had grown up, they had to sacrifice them to Buta Ijo.  He liked eating fresh meat of human being.  The farmers agreed to his condition.  Several months later the wife was pregnant.

She gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.  They named her Timun Emas.  The farmers were happy.  Timun Emas was very healthy and a very smart girl.  She was also very diligent. When she was a teenager Buta Ijo came to their house.  Timun Emas was frightened so she ran away to hide.  The farmers then told Buta Ijo that Timun Emas was still a child.  They asked him to postpone.  Buta Ijo agreed.  He promised to come again.  The following year Buta Ijo came again.  But again and again their parents said that Timun Emas was still a child. 

When the third time Buta Ijo came their parents had prepared something for him.  They gave Timun Emas several bamboo needles, seeds of cucumber, dressing and salt. 

‘Timun, take these things’

‘What are these things?’

‘These are your weapons.  Buta Ijo will chase you.  He will eat you alive.  So run as fast as you can.  And if he will catch you spread this to the ground.  Now go!’

Timun Emas was scared so she ran as quickly as she could.  When Buta Ijo arrived she was far from home.  He was very angry when he realized that his prey had left.  So he ran to chase her.  He had a sharp nose so he knew what direction his prey ran. 

Timun Emas was just a girl while Buta Ijo was a monster so he could easily catch her up.  When he was just several steps behind Timun Emas quickly spread the seeds of cucumber.  In seconds they turned into many vines of cucumber.  The exhausted Buta Ijo was very thirsty so he grabbed and ate them.  When Buta Ijo was busy eating cucumber Timun Emas could run away.

But soon Buta Ijo realized and started running again.  When he was just several steps behind Timun Emas threw her bamboo needles.   Soon they turned into dense bamboo trees. Buta Ijo found it hard to pass.  It took him some time to break the dense bamboo forest.  Meanwhile Timun Emas could run farther.

Buta Ijo chased her again.  When he almost catch her again and again Timun Emas threw her dressing.  This time it turned into a lake.  Buta Ijo was busy to save himself so Timun Emas ran way.  But Buta Ijo could overcome it and continued chasing her.

Finally when Timun Emas was almost caught she threw her salt.  Soon the land where Buta Ijo stood turned into ocean.  Buta Ijo was drowned and died instantly.